is a symposium by people with Asperger’s syndrome for people with Asperger’s syndrome—and others interested in the presentations.

More details to come...

What is Asperger’s syndrome?

Asperger’s syndrome is considered to be a higher-functioning form of autism. Autism includes impairments in social skills along with restricted, esoteric, or obsessive interests and preoccupations. As children, more intelligent people with Asperger’s syndrome may have been called little professors for their ability to give soliloquys on topics of interest. Although as adults, many with Asperger’s are able to make some improvement in their social skills, their intense interests may afford them a career or a fulfilling hobby.

What is

It is in light of these special interests that would like to make a forum available for people with Asperger’s syndrome to present their knowledge to others without judgments on a topic’s general interest. We would like to offer training in public speaking and rehearsals to give presenters greater confidence in their skills.

To participate...

Participation is open to both those formally diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome or another autism-spectrum condition and also people who strongly suspect they have it. Participants should choose a topic and estimate the amount of time they’d feel comfortable presenting in.

Or join the audience

As we build a roster of presenters and solidify a time and location, we will make tickets for the audience available.


We will pick a suitable day and location once we determine the roster of presenters.